Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The above images are the first 4 pages of Popgun vol.4. The big yellow dude is Wamgud, the white-trash God of grappling. I made Wamgud for Mark Andrew Smith's "design a diety" blog. Sadly, it hasn't been updated in a while, but it was very fun while it lasted, you should check it out! Mark is also responsible for getting me into the Popgun anthology- Brian and I have been in vol.2-4, and we'd like to get something into 5 if schedules permit.

1 comment:

  1. hey,

    were a hiphop/reggae-collective from sweden. we were going to make new cannabis-treys to hand out for free at concert, our homepage etc.

    I was looking into the design when i stumbled over on of yours pictures.

    we were thinking of using this picture on the front, is this okay with you?


    best regards / b-team
